2016-03-24 14:29:46 -04:00

31 lines
842 B

# Generated by mksrcinfo v8
# Thu Mar 24 18:29:44 UTC 2016
pkgbase = sway-git
pkgdesc = i3 compatible window manager for Wayland
pkgver = r1373.fb4fdf5
pkgrel = 1
url = http://swaywm.org
arch = i686
arch = x86_64
license = MIT
makedepends = cmake
makedepends = git
makedepends = asciidoc
depends = wlc-git
depends = xorg-server-xwayland
depends = xcb-util-image
depends = json-c
depends = pango
depends = cairo
depends = wayland
depends = gdk-pixbuf2
optdepends = rxvt-unicode: Default terminal emulator.
optdepends = dmenu: Default for launching applications.
optdepends = imagemagick: For taking screenshots.
optdepends = ffmpeg: For recording screencasts.
optdepends = i3status: To display system information with a bar.
source = sway::git+https://github.com/SirCmpwn/sway.git
sha1sums = SKIP
pkgname = sway-git