my slonksite

hi, i'm Rain, or slonkazoid
i write code and break computers
also see my blog

message of the day

moonlight is now on flathub!! it supports patching the discord flatpak installed with --user (preferred), and installations in .local/share (installed through the tar.gz)!

moonlight now! mod your discord get it on flathub


i've been writing code to some degree since i was 10. the first language i learned was c# (with winforms), and was really interested in malware analysis at the time. (shoutouts to danooct1)
nowadays, i'm still into cybersecurity and malware analysis, but my main thing has shifted towards webdev.
nowadays, i specialize in backend web development and write web apps, cli tools, bots, etc. you can find some of my personal projects over at projects.html

my favorite languages are rust and basb, but i can write js/ts, c, c#, go; and to a lesser extent, java (minecraft modding), python, brainfuck, php, and lua.

i love learning new things. sometimes, i will make potentionally useless yet involved projects just to learn a new thing or practice my skills.

accepting software commissions.
will write: in languages i am familiar with . not able to do large projects due to reasons explained in my most recent blog post. if you are unsure about anything, just ask, contact information is below.
my favorite/go-to web stack is
programming language rust
web framework axum
logging system tracing
async runtime tokio, and the rest of the tokio ecosystem
templating engine askama
database and driver postgresql with sqlx
web server lighttpd
system linux on arm64
also experienced with handlebars, express.js, mysql & mariadb, sqlite3, nocodb, electron, ejs, php (7), and i adapt to new technologies quite quickly.

video games are my second passion. my all-time favorites are, in no specific order after the first: team fortress 2, celeste, deep rock galactic, ultrakill, minecraft, half-life, counter-strike, hyperhell, cruelty squad, portal & portal 2.

fluent in english (not certified though somewhere around C2 or C1) and turkish (native). A1 in german. enough to play csgo in russian.

my cat's name is karamel. i love him so much.

contact info
email slonkazoid [AT] slonk dot ing
ssh key
download ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHVWgaeL8f7Rwh4WzvqJ5DWG9c7wwjpHG5tsOzF7yVVe slonkazoid
if key this changes, i will make sure to sign the new key with this one and put it on identity.html
pgp key see identity.html
discord (preferred)
matrix (might not see)
signal ask
steam /id/slonkazoid
forgejo slonk
gitlab slonkazoid
github slonkazoid

i also have a discord server!

preferred platform for chatting is discord, signal for secure communication, but i'm reachable through email as well! please feel free to reach out if you need help or just want to chat!


this page has a total of 0 bytes of javascript
in my experience (and many others'), setting constraints about the medium like "completely static, no javascript" enhances one's creative expression.
besides, i think simple websites like this shouldn't require a powerful system to render. i want my site to be accessible on everything from a tui browser on the crumbling old laptop you found on the sidewalk, to a new pc running the latest version of insert dominating browser here. within realistic standards of course.
i do use javascript extensively in other projects, but do you really need to react facebook nextjs angular vue csr hydration firebase a simple personal website like this, though?

ssi webring

slonk maggie (colon 3) (the home of the gay) (and possums) chxry pandarose (fox) theresnotime n3 (witch hat) adryd softkitty Ezri Thomas Ricci zptr:~$_ Haylin june (strawberry, bone) notfire Patsore sipacid magmaus3 mat does dev! (colon 3) golden Stack! 1.0 notnite shwecky, cat! (points to cat) kibty town honbra TUFO funtimes jamie (heart) maia crimew arson chloe towu (@theonlywayup) (butterfly) aubrey red is purple nikolan dam marquee server scanning inc rust its memory safe team fortress now half-life i hate microsoft linux now! (2.5) powered by Arch BTW Powered by debian made with neovim lynx now! (2.5) links browser viewable with any browser W3C XHTML 1.0 verified moonlight now! mod your discord tested on firefox anything but chrome! catspace meow! (3.0) uBlock Origin NOW! LineageOS moonlight now! mod your discord get it on flathub support wikipedia