# blag blogging in bash all blag really is can be summed up as 'a collection of functions for writing markup in bash, alongside [bingus-blog](https://git.slonk.ing/slonk/bingus-blog) integration', but that would be doing it injustice. blag is not just a shellscript. blag is a way of life- no, blag is the _meaning_ of life. keep on blagging. ## how to blag first create a file for your blagpost. the name doesn't matter, but i like to end mine with `.sh` (this is a requirement for bingus-blog integration). then, render it with blag: `./blag my_epic_post.sh > rendered.html`. you'll notice that the resulting html is blank. this is because the post you wrote did not output anything. in blag, we use the inbuild functions (or plain printf if you're in a pinch) to actually compose our markup. see below for more information on those. ### functions functions in blag generally take html from stdin and output html. this makes it possible to form complex pipes merging and transforming the content, similar to applicative programming. an example of this composability: `curl wttr.in/?2n | escape | codeblock`. #### `escape` html-escapes text from stdin. #### `header ` LEVEL is a number from 1 to 5, representing h1 to h5. creates a header from stdin. #### `paragraph` creates a paragraph from stdin. simple enough. #### `image ` creates an image element with the given SRC (source) and ALT (alt text). no input. #### `link ` formats stdin as a link to HREF. #### `br` outputs a line break. no input. #### `br_lines` replaces line feed characters from stdin with html line breaks. #### `codeblock` creates a codeblock from stdin. ### sourcing blag from posts the regular blag workflow has you running the `blag` binary with the path to your post, but you could very well just source `blag` _from the post_. doing so will expose the blag functions to your shellscript but not trigger blag's cli. ### example `post.sh`: ```sh header 1 <<< "hello, world!" { echo "the time is:" date } | paragraph ``` run `blag` on your post: ```sh ./blag post.sh > rendered.html ``` `rendered.html`: ```html

hello, world!

the time is: Mon Dec 16 22:42:00 +03 2024

``` ## bingus-blog integration set `engine = "blag"` in your configuration file. the naming format is "(post name).sh" on disk, just like default markdown posts. the first line your blag outputs MUST be the post metadata. you MUST set the following variables in your blag: - `TITLE` - `DESCRIPTION` you SHOULD set `AUTHOR`, though it does default to the name of the user running `blag`. you MAY set these variables: - `ICON` - `ICON_ALT` - `COLOR` - `TAGS` (as an array!) - `DONT_CACHE` (to explicitly not cache the rendered blag) - `WRITTEN_AT` (if the filesystem/libc doesn't support it) you SHOULD NOT set `MODIFIED_AT` unless you have a valid reason. after setting all the variables call the `metadata` function before outputting anything else. the environment variable `BLAG_QUERY` is provided to you as the unmatched query parameters for the request that invoked the rendering, in json. you can safely use `jq` to parse it. the rest is normal ### fastblag :eyes: ## disclaimer this is very bad and also pre-alpha quality software. dont come crying to me when you get revshelled.