update documentation

This commit is contained in:
slonkazoid 2024-08-13 16:53:39 +03:00
parent 2eb14be977
commit 99e91db6aa
Signed by: slonk
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:tbZfJX4IOvZ0LGWOWu5Ijo8jfMPi78TU7x1VoEeCIjM
5 changed files with 189 additions and 106 deletions

BUILDING.md Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# Building bingus-blog
this guide assumes you have git and are on linux.
at the moment, compiling on windows is supported, but not _for windows_.
1. first, acquire _rust nightly_.
the recommended method is to install [rustup](https://rustup.rs/),
and use that to get _rust nightly_. choose "customize installation",
and set "default toolchain" to nightly to save time later, provided
you do not need _rust stable_ for something else
2. start your favorite terminal
3. then, download the repository: `git clone https://git.slonk.ing/slonk/bingus-blog && cd bingus-blog`
4. finally, build the application: `cargo +nightly build --release`
5. your executable is `target/release/bingus-blog`, copy it to your server and
you're done!
## Building for another architecture
you can use the `--target` flag in `cargo build` for this purpose.
examples are for Arch Linux x86_64.
here's how to compile for `aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu`
(eg. Oracle CI Free Tier ARM VPS):
# install the required packages to compile and link aarch64 binaries
sudo pacman -S aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
cargo +nightly build --release --target=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
your executable will be `target/aarch64-unkown-linux-gnu/release/bingus-blog`.
a more tricky example is building for `aarch64-unknown-linux-musl`
(eg. a Redmi 5 Plus running postmarketOS):
# there is no toolchain for aarch64-unknown-linux-musl,
# so we have to repurpose the GNU toolchain. this doesn't
# work out of the box so we have to set some environment variables
sudo pacman -S aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
export CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
cargo +nightly build --release --target=aarch64-unknown-linux-musl
# the reason we had to do this is because cargo tries to use
# the same toolchain as the target's name. but we can tell it to use
# the GNU one like so.
your executable will be `target/aarch64-unkown-linux-musl/release/bingus-blog`.

CONFIG.md Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# Configuration
the configuration format, with defaults, is documented below:
title = "bingus-blog" # title of the blog
# description of the blog
description = "blazingly fast markdown blog software written in rust memory safe"
markdown_access = true # allow users to see the raw markdown of a post
# endpoint: /posts/<name>.md
js_enable = true # enable javascript (required for below 2 options)
date_format = "RFC3339" # format string used to format dates in the backend
# it's highly recommended to leave this as default,
# so the date can be formatted by the browser.
# format: https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/index.html#specifiers
default_sort = "date" # default sorting method ("date" or "name")
#default_color = "#f5c2e7" # default embed color, optional
enable = false # serve an rss field under /feed.xml
# this may be a bit resource intensive
link = "https://..." # public url of the blog, required if rss is enabled
posts = "posts" # where posts are stored
media = "media" # directory served under /media/
custom_templates = "custom/templates" # custom templates dir
custom_static = "custom/static" # custom static dir
# see CUSTOM.md for documentation
host = "" # ip to listen on
port = 3000 # port to listen on
enable = true # save metadata and rendered posts into RAM
# highly recommended, only turn off if absolutely necessary
cleanup = true # clean cache, highly recommended
#cleanup_interval = 86400000 # clean the cache regularly instead of just at startup
# uncomment to enable
persistence = true # save the cache to on shutdown and load on startup
file = "cache" # file to save the cache to
compress = true # compress the cache file
compression_level = 3 # zstd compression level, 3 is recommended
syntect.load_defaults = false # include default syntect themes
syntect.themes_dir = "themes" # directory to include themes from
syntect.theme = "Catppuccin Mocha" # theme file name (without `.tmTheme`)
configuration is done in [TOML](https://toml.io/)
if an option marked "optional" is not set, it will not be initialized with
a default value
you don't have to copy the whole thing from here,
it's generated by the program if it doesn't exist
## Specifying Configuration
the configuration file is loaded from `config.toml` by default, but the path
can be overriden by setting the environment variable `BINGUS_BLOG_CONFIG`,
which will make bingus-blog try to read that file or fail and exit.

CUSTOM.md Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Custom Content
bingus-blog supports loading custom content such as templates and static files
at runtime from custom locations.
the configuration options `dirs.custom_templates` and `dirs.custom_static`
allow you to set where these files are loaded from.
customizing the error page, other than CSS, is not supported at this time.
## Custom Templates
custom templates are loaded from `custom/templates` by default and they are
written in [Handlebars (the rust variant)](https://crates.io/crates/handlebars)
the *custom templates directory* has a non-recursive structure:
- index.html # ignored
- index.hbs # loaded as `index`
- post.hbs # loaded as `post`
- [NAME].hbs # loaded as `[NAME]`
- ...
templates will be loaded from first, the executable, then, the custom
templates path, overriding the defaults.
template changes are also processed after startup, any changed template will be
compiled and will replace the existing template in the registry, or add a
new one (though that does nothing).
if a template is deleted, the default template will be recompiled into
it's place.
note that the watcher only works if the *custom templates directory* existed
at startup. if you delete/create the directory, you must restart the program.
## Custom Static Files
GET requests to `/static` will first be checked against `dirs.custom_static`.
if the file is not found in the *custom static directory*, bingus-blog will try
to serve it from the directory embedded in the executable. this means you can
add whatever you want in the *custom static directory* and it will be served
under `/static`.
## Custom Media
the endpoint `/media` is served from `dirs.media`. no other logic or mechanism
is present.

View file

@ -9,85 +9,37 @@ created_at: 2024-04-18T04:15:26+03:00
blazingly fast markdown blog software written in rust memory safe
for bingus-blog viewers: [see original document](https://git.slonk.ing/slonk/bingus-blog)
## Features
- posts are written in markdwon and loaded at runtime, meaning you
can write posts from anywhere and sync it with the server without headache
- RSS is supported
- the look of the blog is extremely customizable, with support for
[custom drop-ins](/CUSTOM.md) for both templates and static content
- really easy to deploy (the server is one executable file)
- blazingly fast
- [x] RSS
- [x] finish writing this document
- [x] document config
- [ ] blog thumbnail and favicon
- [x] fix webkit dates (what.)
- [ ] sort asc/desc
- [x] alt text for post icon
- [ ] extend syntect options
- [x] general cleanup of code
- [ ] better error reporting and error pages
- [ ] better tracing
- [x] cache cleanup task
- [ ] ^ replace HashMap with HashCache once i implement [this](https://github.com/wvwwvwwv/scalable-concurrent-containers/issues/139)
- [x] (de)compress cache with zstd on startup/shutdown
- [ ] replace HashMap with HashCache once i implement [this](https://github.com/wvwwvwwv/scalable-concurrent-containers/issues/139)
- [ ] make date parsing less strict
- [x] make date formatting better
- [x] date formatting respects user timezone
- [x] clean up imports and require less features
- [ ] improve home page
- [x] tags
- [ ] multi-language support
- [x] be blazingly fast
- [x] 100+ MiB binary size
## Configuration
the default configuration with comments looks like this
see [CONFIG.md](/CONFIG.md)
title = "bingus-blog" # title of the blog
# description of the blog
description = "blazingly fast markdown blog software written in rust memory safe"
markdown_access = true # allow users to see the raw markdown of a post
# endpoint: /posts/<name>.md
js_enable = true # enable javascript (required for below 2 options)
date_format = "RFC3339" # format string used to format dates in the backend
# it's highly recommended to leave this as default,
# so the date can be formatted by the browser.
# format: https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/index.html#specifiers
default_sort = "date" # default sorting method ("date" or "name")
#default_color = "#f5c2e7" # default embed color, optional
enable = false # serve an rss field under /feed.xml
# this may be a bit resource intensive
link = "https://..." # public url of the blog, required if rss is enabled
posts = "posts" # where posts are stored
media = "media" # directory served under /media/
custom_templates = "custom/templates" # custom templates dir
custom_static = "custom/static" # custom static dir
# see CUSTOM.md for documentation
host = "" # ip to listen on
port = 3000 # port to listen on
enable = true # save metadata and rendered posts into RAM
# highly recommended, only turn off if absolutely necessary
cleanup = true # clean cache, highly recommended
#cleanup_interval = 86400000 # clean the cache regularly instead of just at startup
# uncomment to enable
persistence = true # save the cache to on shutdown and load on startup
file = "cache" # file to save the cache to
compress = true # compress the cache file
compression_level = 3 # zstd compression level, 3 is recommended
syntect.load_defaults = false # include default syntect themes
syntect.themes_dir = "themes" # directory to include themes from
syntect.theme = "Catppuccin Mocha" # theme file name (without `.tmTheme`)
you don't have to copy it from here, it's generated if it doesn't exist
## Usage
## Building
this project uses nightly-only features.
make sure you have the nightly toolchain installed.
@ -100,21 +52,7 @@ cargo +nightly build --release
the executable will be located at `target/release/bingus-blog`.
### Building for another architecture
you can use the `--target` flag in `cargo build` for this purpose
building for `aarch64-unknown-linux-musl` (for example, a Redmi 5 Plus running postmarketOS):
# install the required packages to compile and link aarch64 binaries
sudo pacman -S aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
export CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
cargo +nightly build --release --target=aarch64-unknown-linux-musl
your executable will be located at `target/<target>/release/bingus-blog` this time.
see [BUILDING.md](/BUILDING.md) for more information and detailed instructions.
## Writing Posts
@ -167,44 +105,29 @@ standard. examples of valid and invalid dates:
- # everything else is also invalid
## Custom Content (CSS, HTML, JS)
though you can modify the content and commit it so you still get changes from
upstream with minimal problems.
you can edit the css and js however you want but changing the html requires a
recompilation as it is made from compile-time parsed templates.
bingus-blog currently loads css files from `/static/custom`:
- `/static/custom/style.css` for all pages
- `/static/custom/post.css` for posts
- `/static/custom/error.css` for the error page
you can create a `custom` directory inside the `static_dir` you set in the
config and put the css files there.
## Routes
## Non-static Routes
- `GET /`: index page, lists posts
- `GET /posts`: returns a list of all posts with metadata in JSON format
- `GET /posts/<name>`: view a post
- `GET /posts/<name>.md`: view the raw markdown of a post
- `GET /post/*`: redirects to `/posts/*`
- `GET /feed.xml`: RSS feed
## Cache
bingus-blog caches every post retrieved and keeps it permanently in cache.
the only way a cache entry is removed is when it's requested and it does
not exist in the filesystem. cache entries don't expire, but they get
invalidated when the mtime of the markdown file changes.
there is a toggleable cleanup task that periodically sweeps the cache to
remove dead entries, but it can still get quite big.
if cache persistence is on, the cache is compressed & written on shutdown,
and read & decompressed on startup. one may opt to set the cache location
to point to a tmpfs so it saves and loads really fast, but it doesn't persist
across boots, also at the cost of even more RAM usage.
if cache persistence is on, the cache is (compressed &) written to disk on
shutdown, and read (& decompressed) on startup. one may opt to set the cache
location to point to a tmpfs to make it save and load quickly, but not persist
across reboots at the cost of more RAM usage.
the compression reduced a 3.21 MB file cache into 0.18 MB with almost instantly.
there is basically no good reason to not have compression on.
in my testing, the compression reduced a 3.21 MB cache to 0.18 MB almost
instantly. there is basically no good reason to not have compression on,
unless you have filesystem compression already of course.
## Contributing

View file

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/custom/style.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/custom/error.css" />